14 Apr America’s Army: Proving Ground (2013) | PC/PS
In the year 2002 the Army needed to fill it’s ranks with 80,000 soldiers. So what is a recruiter to do? Create a video game! The Pentagon funded project America’s Army began in 2002 and has gone through several iterations leading up to 2013’s Proving Ground. In this episode we talk about video games as a recruitment tool, whether video games are any metric for quality of soldier, the ethics of using tax dollars to fund such a project and most importantly, IS IT FUN? We talk about Pentagon involvement in Hollywood as we get absolutely destroyed by gamers online and even meet some new friends!
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Moby Games
Official Trailer
Gameplay Link
Metacritic links
Old-games.com for Original AA
What’s a Gazookus
AA Blog
How Much do Games Cost
AA Lessons used in real life
America’s Army (1) Gameplay
AA E3 Presentation
Why We Fight videos
XMen Sponsorship Video
SpyCulture Website
Washington Post David Sirota Article
Full Spectrum Warrior Wiki
Steam DB on AA:PG
Dead-in-iraq w/ Joseph DeLappe
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